All 9 Uses of
The Idiot
- I tried to soothe her by reading the Apocalypse aloud.†
Chpt 2.2 *apocalypse = an event involving terrible destruction
- By reading the Apocalypse.†
Chpt 2.2
- Now for fifteen years at least I have studied the Apocalypse, and she agrees with me in thinking that the present is the epoch represented by the third horse, the black one whose rider holds a measure in his hand.†
Chpt 2.2
- Oh, Mr. Lebedeff, I am told you lecture on the Apocalypse.†
Chpt 2.6
- "We are neighbours, so will you be so kind as to come over one day and explain the Apocalypse to me?" said Aglaya.†
Chpt 2.6
- He informed Muishkin that his father had lately found a new interpretation of the star called "wormwood," which fell upon the water-springs, as described in the Apocalypse.†
Chpt 2.11
- What does the source, or 'spring,' of life really mean in the Apocalypse?†
Chpt 3.4
- "I have known," said he, "a real interpreter of the Apocalypse, the late Gregory Semeonovitch Burmistroff, and he—he pierced the heart like a fiery flash!†
Chpt 3.4
- It was the great and powerful angel in the Apocalypse.†
Chpt 3.5
an event involving terrible destruction; or (especially when capitalized) the end of the world as we know it (as prophesized in the Christian book of Revelation)