All 5 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- She did not even write to me about everything for fear of upsetting me, although we were constantly in communication.†
Chpt 1.3 *constantly = in a manner that is unchanging, continuous, or happens repeatedly
- Here, if you will kindly look: an author, or a student, has been one at least, does not pay his debts, has given an I O U, won't clear out of his room, and complaints are constantly being lodged against him, and here he has been pleased to make a protest against my smoking in his presence!†
Chpt 2.1
- He talked for three quarters of an hour, being constantly interrupted by their questions, and succeeded in describing to them all the most important facts he knew of the last year of Raskolnikov's life, concluding with a circumstantial account of his illness.†
Chpt 3.2
- He asked a great deal about his mother and was constantly anxious about her.†
Chpt Epil.
- Sonia wrote that he was constantly sullen and not ready to talk, that he scarcely seemed interested in the news she gave him from their letters, that he sometimes asked after his mother and that when, seeing that he had guessed the truth, she told him at last of her death, she was surprised to find that he did not seem greatly affected by it, not externally at any rate.†
Chpt Epil.
unchanging, continuous, or happening repeatedly