All 4 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- You've cross-examined my landlady, I'll be bound....Well, that's enough!†
Chpt 2.6 *cross-examined = re-questioned a witness who had already been questioned by the other side in court
- You want to cross-examine me officially in due form?†
Chpt 3.5cross-examine = re-question a witness who has already been questioned by the other side in court
- "But the cross-examination again, to-morrow?" he said with bitterness.
Chpt 3.6cross-examination = re-questioning of a witness who has already been questioned by the other side in court
- I believe it's a sort of legal rule, a sort of legal tradition—for all investigating lawyers—to begin their attack from afar, with a trivial, or at least an irrelevant subject, so as to encourage, or rather, to divert the man they are cross-examining, to disarm his caution and then all at once to give him an unexpected knock-down blow with some fatal question.†
Chpt 4.5cross-examining = re-questioning a witness who has already been questioned by the other side in court
questioning someone in detail and perhaps repeatedly to discover a possibly hidden truth
or in court: the re-questioning of a witness who has already been questioned by the other side
or in court: the re-questioning of a witness who has already been questioned by the other side