Both Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- I might indirectly assist the cause of enlightenment and propaganda.
Chpt 5.1enlightenment = increased understanding
- It's a duty of every man to work for enlightenment and propaganda and the more harshly, perhaps, the better.
Chpt 5.1 *
(enlightenment as in: provided for your enlightenment) a state of increased understandingOccasionally, enlightenment can refer more specifically to an elevated spiritual state. In Buddhism & Hinduism is would refer to achieving nirvana.
(Enlightenment as in: during the Enlightenment...) generally interpreted as a 17th & 18th century movement that further advanced the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions -- especially in Britain, France, Germany, and the American colonies
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Less commonly, enlightenment may be used as a proper noun with a non-standard specialized meaning.