All 5 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- We will omit all the process by means of which he arrived at this last conclusion; we have run too far ahead already....We may add only that the practical, purely material difficulties of the affair occupied a secondary position in his mind.†
Chpt 1.6 *
- He omitted, however, many things, which were better omitted, including the scene at the police station with all its consequences.†
Chpt 3.2
- He omitted, however, many things, which were better omitted, including the scene at the police station with all its consequences.†
Chpt 3.2
- Then Raskolnikov repeated (rather dryly) his conversation with Svidrigailov, omitting his account of the ghostly visitations of Marfa Petrovna, wishing to avoid all unnecessary talk.†
Chpt 4.3
- He did not confuse nor misrepresent the facts, nor soften them in his own interest, nor omit the smallest detail.†
Chpt Epil.
to exclude or neglect something