All 20 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- He was crushed by poverty, but the anxieties of his position had of late ceased to weigh upon him.†
Chpt 1.1 *ceased = stopped or discontinued
- But in the last resort he simply ceased to believe in himself, and doggedly, slavishly sought arguments in all directions, fumbling for them, as though someone were forcing and drawing him to it.†
Chpt 1.6
- But when he reached the K— Boulevard where two days before he had come upon that girl, his laughter suddenly ceased.†
Chpt 2.2
- Katerina Ivanovna bit her lips and held back her tears; she prayed, too, now and then pulling straight the boy's shirt, and managed to cover the girl's bare shoulders with a kerchief, which she took from the chest without rising from her knees or ceasing to pray.†
Chpt 2.7ceasing = stopping or discontinuing
- He crimsoned and ceased speaking.†
Chpt 3.2ceased = stopped or discontinued
- If you marry Luzhin, I cease at once to look on you as a sister.†
Chpt 3.3cease = stop or discontinue
- Sonia stammered and ceased speaking.†
Chpt 3.4ceased = stopped or discontinued
- From which it follows that, if society is normally organised, all crime will cease at once, since there will be nothing to protest against and all men will become righteous in one instant.†
Chpt 3.5cease = stop or discontinue
- And the Weekly Review ceased to exist, so that's why it wasn't printed at the time.†
Chpt 3.5ceased = stopped or discontinued
- That's true; but when it ceased to exist, the Weekly Review was amalgamated with the Periodical, and so your article appeared two months ago in the latter.†
Chpt 3.5
- Raskolnikov ceased speaking and turned his attention to his tea.†
Chpt 4.2
- His indignation was such that he ceased trembling at once; he made ready to go in with a cold and arrogant bearing and vowed to himself to keep as silent as possible, to watch and listen and for once at least to control his overstrained nerves.†
Chpt 4.5
- "But he..." began the same voice, and suddenly ceased.†
Chpt 4.6
- Raskolnikov had long ceased to listen.†
Chpt 5.5
- The bleeding ceased for a time.†
Chpt 5.5
- But you've ceased to believe in your theory already, what will you run away with?†
Chpt 6.2
- The rain had ceased and there was a roaring wind.†
Chpt 6.6
- The murmur had not ceased from the moment he entered the room.†
Chpt 6.6
- He was dozing off; the feverish shiver had ceased, when suddenly something seemed to run over his arm and leg under the bedclothes.†
Chpt 6.6
- I shall never cease to love you....Well, that's enough: I thought I must do this and begin with this....†
Chpt 6.7cease = stop or discontinue
to stop or discontinue