All 3 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- Raskolnikov stopped in the entry, where two of the landlady's servants were busy behind a screen with two samovars, bottles, plates and dishes of pie and savouries, brought up from the landlady's kitchen.†
Chpt 2.7
- There's an attraction here—here you have the end of the world, an anchorage, a quiet haven, the navel of the earth, the three fishes that are the foundation of the world, the essence of pancakes, of savoury fish-pies, of the evening samovar, of soft sighs and warm shawls, and hot stoves to sleep on—as snug as though you were dead, and yet you're alive—the advantages of both at once!†
Chpt 3.1 *savoury = flavorful in a delightful wayunconventional spelling: This is a British spelling. Americans use savory.
- Veal, vodka, savouries.†
Chpt 6.6
to take great pleasure from; or the pleasure or flavor enjoyed