Both Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- As a Russian proverb has it, 'Catch several hares and you won't catch one.'†
Chpt 2.5 *proverb = a well-known, short saying that is thought to communicate wisdom
- From a hundred rabbits you can't make a horse, a hundred suspicions don't make a proof, as the English proverb says, but that's only from the rational point of view—you can't help being partial, for after all a lawyer is only human.†
Chpt 6.2
(proverb as in: the well-known proverb) a short saying -- typically well-known and accepted by many as offering good adviceThe adjective, proverbial, may refer to a proverb or to anything that is well-known -- as in "It is a proverbial fish story exaggeration."
(Proverbs as in: from The Book of Proverbs) a work of wisdom literature found in both the Old Testament of the Christian Bible and the Hebrew Bible