All 13 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- Then he would be alone in the room; they had all gone away afraid of him, and only now and then opened the door a crack to look at him; they threatened him, plotted something together, laughed, and mocked at him.†
Chpt 2.3mocked = made fun of
- Zossimov, who had begun his sage advice partly to make an effect before the ladies, was certainly somewhat mystified, when, glancing at his patient, he observed unmistakable mockery on his face.†
Chpt 3.3mockery = something that is ridiculous OR the teasing of someone in a disrespectful manner
- I only heard a queer story that Philip was a sort of hypochondriac, a sort of domestic philosopher, the servants used to say, 'he read himself silly,' and that he hanged himself partly on account of Mr. Svidrigailov's mockery of him and not his blows.†
Chpt 4.2
- Svidrigailov looked at him attentively and Raskolnikov fancied he caught a flash of spiteful mockery in that look.†
Chpt 6.4
- Svidrigailov screwed up his eyes and smiled mockingly.†
Chpt 6.4mockingly = in a manner intended to make fun of
- What if they know it and are only pretending, mocking me while I am laid up, and then they will come in and tell me that it's been discovered long ago and that they have only...What am I to do now?†
Chpt 2.3
- Here he looked mysteriously at Zametov; his lips were twisted again in a mocking smile.†
Chpt 2.6 *
- And in one flash he recalled with extraordinary vividness of sensation a moment in the recent past, that moment when he stood with the axe behind the door, while the latch trembled and the men outside swore and shook it, and he had a sudden desire to shout at them, to swear at them, to put out his tongue at them, to mock them, to laugh, and laugh, and laugh!†
Chpt 2.6
- At the same moment his face resumed its original mocking expression.†
Chpt 2.6
- You are lying and mocking so that I may betray myself to you...†
Chpt 4.5
- He was mocking me and here I've come to you now!†
Chpt 5.4
- His still trembling lips slowly broke into an angry mocking smile.†
Chpt 6.5
- The mocking smile did not leave his face.†
Chpt 6.5
(mock as in: don't mock me) make fun of (ridicule--sometimes by imitating in an exaggerated manner)
or (more rarely): just to make fun or to be ridiculous without targeting anyone as a victimThese senses of mockery come together when a comedian pokes fun at a politician by pretending to be the politician and saying ridiculous things. -
(mock as in: a mock trial) not real
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Less commonly, mock can refer to a way of preparing food. Mockers can be an abbreviation for mockingbirds.