Both Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- I likewise shall be deprived of the honour of an interview with you to-morrow morning by business in the Senate that does not admit of delay, and also that I may not intrude on your family circle while you are meeting your son, and Avdotya Romanovna her brother.†
Chpt 3.2 *intrude = unwelcome involvement or interruption
- I am not intrusive; I used to get on all right with card-sharpers, and I never bored Prince Svirbey, a great personage who is a distant relation of mine, and I could write about Raphael's Madonna in Madam Prilukov's album, and I never left Marfa Petrovna's side for seven years, and I used to stay the night at Viazemsky's house in the Hay Market in the old days, and I may go up in a balloon with Berg, perhaps.†
Chpt 4.1intrusive = unwelcome involvement
an involvement or interruption that is unwelcome