All 3 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- And Pyotr Petrovitch, judging by many indications, is a thoroughly estimable man.†
Chpt 1.3 *indications = things that serve as signs to show other things
- "Barefoot, barefoot!" he muttered, indicating with frenzied eyes the child's bare feet.†
Chpt 2.7indicating = showing
- He ended by indicating the stone in the yard off the Voznesensky Prospect under which the purse and the trinkets were found.†
Chpt Epil.
to show (point out, demonstrate, express, or suggest)
The form, indicator can refer to many different kinds of things including intentional signals (such as a turn indicator), gauges (such as one that indicates pressure), or a measurement (such as an economic or chemical indicator).