All 6 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- The idea is simple, but unhappily it has been a long time reaching us, being hindered by idealism and sentimentality.†
Chpt 2.5hindered = slowed down or caused problems for
- I assure you that all that is seriously hindering my recovery, because it's continually irritating me.†
Chpt 2.6 *hindering = slowing down or causing problems for
- "What, what," he thought, "could hitherto have hindered her from putting an end to it?"†
Chpt 4.4hindered = slowed down or caused problems for
- I will withdraw, that I may not hinder the pleasures of family intimacy, and the discussion of secrets.†
Chpt 4.2
- But now in any case I cannot reckon on it, and I particularly desire not to hinder your discussion of the secret proposals of Arkady Ivanovitch Svidrigailov, which he has entrusted to your brother and which have, I perceive, a great and possibly a very agreeable interest for you.†
Chpt 4.2
- That was why I hid myself just now like a schoolboy, for I was afraid you would hinder me.†
Chpt 6.3
(hinder as in: hindered by) slow down or cause problems for
- (2) (meaning too rare to warrant focus)