All 16 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- and can I, can I possibly....No, it's nonsense, it's rubbish!" he added resolutely.†
Chpt 1.1resolutely = with firm purpose or belief
- At last he looked straight at Raskolnikov, and said loudly and resolutely: "May I venture, honoured sir, to engage you in polite conversation?†
Chpt 1.2
- Marmeladov struck his fist resolutely on the table.†
Chpt 1.2
- She is a resolute, sensible, patient and generous girl, but she has a passionate heart, as I know very well.†
Chpt 1.3
- "Don't be anxious, I won't let him have her," the policeman said resolutely, and he set off after them.†
Chpt 1.4resolutely = with firm purpose or belief
- The old woman recovered herself, and her visitor's resolute tone evidently restored her confidence.†
Chpt 1.7
- He walked quickly and resolutely, and though he felt shattered, he had his senses about him.†
Chpt 2.2resolutely = with firm purpose or belief
- "Nobody has been beating the landlady," she declared at last in a firm, resolute voice.†
Chpt 2.2
- "Very well then!" he said resolutely; he moved from the bridge and walked in the direction of the police office.†
Chpt 2.6resolutely = with firm purpose or belief
- "Enough," he pronounced resolutely and triumphantly.†
Chpt 2.7
- "Porfiry Petrovitch," he began resolutely, though with considerable irritation, "yesterday you expressed a desire that I should come to you for some inquiries" (he laid special stress on the word "inquiries").†
Chpt 4.5
- "I will remain alone," he said resolutely, "and she shall not come to the prison!"†
Chpt 5.5
- "Listen," he began resolutely.†
Chpt 6.1
- At last, realising that he was engaged in this interesting pursuit, he started, got up and walked resolutely out of the room.†
Chpt 6.6
- He went into the yard fairly resolutely.†
Chpt 6.8
- During all this period Razumihin wore an air of resolute determination.†
Chpt Epil. *
firm in purpose or belief