All 5 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- The essential question was settled, and irrevocably settled, in his mind: "Never such a marriage while I am alive and Mr. Luzhin be damned!"†
Chpt 1.4irrevocably = in a manner that cannot be undone
- He thought of nothing and was incapable of thinking; but he felt suddenly in his whole being that he had no more freedom of thought, no will, and that everything was suddenly and irrevocably decided.†
Chpt 1.5
- Literature is taking a maturer form, many injurious prejudice have been rooted up and turned into ridicule....In a word, we have cut ourselves off irrevocably from the past, and that, to my thinking, is a great thing...†
Chpt 2.5 *
- Can all that be really so irrevocably over?†
Chpt 5.1
- Sonia stood before him as an irrevocable sentence.†
Chpt 6.3irrevocable = incapable of being undone