All 17 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- "What do you mean?" the gentleman asked sternly, scowling in haughty astonishment.†
Chpt 1.4haughty = arrogant
- He was very poor, and there was a sort of haughty pride and reserve about him, as though he were keeping something to himself.†
Chpt 1.4
- "Amalia Ludwigovna, I beg you to recollect what you are saying," Katerina Ivanovna began haughtily (she always took a haughty tone with the landlady that she might "remember her place" and even now could not deny herself this satisfaction).†
Chpt 2.7haughtily = condescendingly (in a superior or self-important way)
- "Amalia Ludwigovna, I beg you to recollect what you are saying," Katerina Ivanovna began haughtily (she always took a haughty tone with the landlady that she might "remember her place" and even now could not deny herself this satisfaction).†
Chpt 2.7haughty = arrogant
- Her mouth was rather small; the full red lower lip projected a little as did her chin; it was the only irregularity in her beautiful face, but it gave it a peculiarly individual and almost haughty expression.†
Chpt 3.1
- I have known Rodion for a year and a half; he is morose, gloomy, proud and haughty, and of late—and perhaps for a long time before—he has been suspicious and fanciful.†
Chpt 3.2
- Too haughty!†
Chpt 3.3
- You are both melancholy, both morose and hot-tempered, both haughty and both generous....Surely he can't be an egoist, Dounia.†
Chpt 3.4
- "If I did I certainly should not tell you," Raskolnikov answered with defiant and haughty contempt.†
Chpt 3.5
- "I am not particularly interested in anyone's opinion," Svidrigailov answered, dryly and even with a shade of haughtiness, "and therefore why not be vulgar at times when vulgarity is such a convenient cloak for our climate...and especially if one has a natural propensity that way," he added, laughing again.†
Chpt 4.1haughtiness = arrogance or condescension (acting superior or self-important)
- Raskolnikov looked haughtily and contemptuously at him.†
Chpt 4.5haughtily = condescendingly (in a superior or self-important way)
- "You'd better tell me this," Pyotr Petrovitch interrupted with haughty displeasure, "can you...or rather are you really friendly enough with that young person to ask her to step in here for a minute?†
Chpt 5.1haughty = arrogant
- Katerina Ivanovna determined now to invite this lady and her daughter, "whose foot she was not worth," and who had turned away haughtily when she casually met them, so that they might know that "she was more noble in her thoughts and feelings and did not harbour malice," and might see that she was not accustomed to her way of living.†
Chpt 5.2haughtily = condescendingly (in a superior or self-important way)
- Katerina Ivanovna, in fact, could hardly help meeting her guests with increased dignity, and even haughtiness.†
Chpt 5.2haughtiness = arrogance or condescension (acting superior or self-important)
- Amalia Ivanovna was foreseeing something amiss, and at the same time deeply wounded by Katerina Ivanovna's haughtiness, and to restore the good-humour of the company and raise herself in their esteem she began, apropos of nothing, telling a story about an acquaintance of hers "Karl from the chemist's," who was driving one night in a cab, and that "the cabman wanted him to kill, and Karl very much begged him not to kill, and wept and clasped hands, and frightened and from fear pierced his heart."†
Chpt 5.2
- He recoiled at this, and the same hostile, almost haughty smile came to his lips.†
Chpt 5.4haughty = arrogant
- A haughty smile appeared on his lips.
Chpt 5.4 *haughty = arrogant or condescending; i.e., acting superior or self-important
arrogant or condescending (acting superior or self-important)