All 8 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- This letter, which remained in Mr. Svidrigailov's hands after her departure, she had written to refuse personal explanations and secret interviews, for which he was entreating her.†
Chpt 1.3 *entreating = asking earnestly
- Leave off, I entreat you, what are you doing?†
Chpt 3.1entreat = ask earnestly
- Then he got up, took leave with an impressive and affable bow, while blessings, warm gratitude, and entreaties were showered upon him, and Avdotya Romanovna spontaneously offered her hand to him.†
Chpt 3.1entreaties = earnest requests
- Do you suppose that my tears, my entreaties, my illness, my possible death from grief, our poverty would have made him pause?†
Chpt 3.2
- "Only not to-day, please, not to-day!" she kept muttering with a sinking heart, as though entreating someone, like a frightened child.†
Chpt 3.4entreating = asking earnestly
- She listened, looking imploringly at him, clasping her hands in dumb entreaty, as though it all depended upon him.†
Chpt 4.4entreaty = an earnest request
- Then came interviews, mysterious conversations, exhortations, entreaties, supplications, even tears—would you believe it, even tears?†
Chpt 6.4entreaties = earnest requests
- I entreat you to!†
Chpt 6.7entreat = ask earnestly
to ask -- especially while trying hard to overcome resistance