All 17 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- In the first place, it was evident, far too much so indeed, that Pyotr Petrovitch had made eager use of his few days in the capital to get himself up and rig himself out in expectation of his betrothed—a perfectly innocent and permissible proceeding, indeed.†
Chpt 2.5 *
- And you his betrothed!†
Chpt 3.1
- You are his betrothed?†
Chpt 3.1
- I've given you a great promise, I am your betrothed.†
Chpt 4.2
- Now I beg your special attention: consider: if he had now succeeded in proving that Sofya Semyonovna was a thief, he would have shown to my mother and sister that he was almost right in his suspicions, that he had reason to be angry at my putting my sister on a level with Sofya Semyonovna, that, in attacking me, he was protecting and preserving the honour of my sister, his betrothed.†
Chpt 5.3
- She means by your girl Sofya Semyonovna, your betrothed or your mistress, I don't know.†
Chpt 6.1
- But I couldn't have told you so for certain for I had not even seen my betrothed; I only meant to.†
Chpt 6.4
- But now I really have a betrothed and it's a settled thing, and if it weren't that I have business that can't be put off, I would have taken you to see them at once, for I should like to ask your advice.†
Chpt 6.4
- I'll take you there, I'll show you my betrothed, only not now.†
Chpt 6.4
- I told them I was in a hurry owing to domestic circumstances, and the next day, that is the day before yesterday, we were betrothed.†
Chpt 6.4
- The present betrothed condition is perhaps better than marriage.†
Chpt 6.4
- The day after we'd been betrothed, I bought her presents to the value of fifteen hundred roubles—a set of diamonds and another of pearls and a silver dressing-case as large as this, with all sorts of things in it, so that even my Madonna's face glowed.†
Chpt 6.4
- Well...listen, we'll go to see my betrothed, only not just now!†
Chpt 6.4
- Drenched to the skin, he walked into the little flat where the parents of his betrothed lived, in Third Street in Vassilyevsky Island.†
Chpt 6.6
- On other occasions this had of course been very impressive, but this time Arkady Ivanovitch seemed particularly impatient, and insisted on seeing his betrothed at once, though he had been informed, to begin with, that she had already gone to bed.†
Chpt 6.6
- Svidrigailov got up, laughed, kissed his betrothed, patted her cheek, declared he would soon come back, and noticing in her eyes, together with childish curiosity, a sort of earnest dumb inquiry, reflected and kissed her again, though he felt sincere anger inwardly at the thought that his present would be immediately locked up in the keeping of the most sensible of mothers.†
Chpt 6.6
- For a minute he gazed at the delicate expressive face of his betrothed, kissed the portrait and gave it to Dounia.†
Chpt 6.7
promised to marry; or the person who has promised to marry