All 5 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- I hasten to tell you all about the matter, and though it has been arranged without asking your consent, I think you will not be aggrieved with me or with your sister on that account, for you will see that we could not wait and put off our decision till we heard from you.†
Chpt 1.3aggrieved = felt harmed by unfair treatment
- "And pray, what time were you directed to appear, sir?" shouted the assistant superintendent, seeming for some unknown reason more and more aggrieved.†
Chpt 2.1 *
- Assuming an aggrieved air, Luzhin relapsed into dignified silence.†
Chpt 4.2
- "Then this is my fault again," said Luzhin, aggrieved.†
Chpt 4.2
- At that moment, Amalia Ivanovna, deeply aggrieved at taking no part in the conversation, and not being listened to, made one last effort, and with secret misgivings ventured on an exceedingly deep and weighty observation, that "in the future boarding-school she would have to pay particular attention to die Waesche, and that there certainly must be a good dame to look after the linen, and secondly that the young ladies must not novels at night read."†
Chpt 5.2
feeling harmed by unfair treatment; or (more rarely) harming someone unfairly