All 3 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- What he dreaded above all was meeting that man again; he hated him with an intense, unmitigated hatred and was afraid his hatred might betray him.†
Chpt 4.5unmitigated = complete (not diminished) -- usually used to say that something that is harmful or unpleasant is not in any way made less badstandard prefix: The prefix "un-" in unmitigated means not and reverses the meaning of mitigated. This is the same pattern you see in words like unhappy, unknown, and unlucky.
- That's just what I feared, that you wouldn't care about the mitigation of sentence.†
Chpt 6.2mitigation = reduction in harm or unpleasantness
- How can you say you don't want a mitigation of sentence?
Chpt 6.2 *mitigation = reduction (in harm or unpleasantness)
make less harmful or unpleasant