Both Uses of
Don Quixote
- dost thou still persist, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "in saying, thinking, believing, and maintaining that my lady Dulcinea was sifting wheat, that being an occupation and task entirely at variance with what is and should be the employment of persons of distinction, who are constituted and reserved for other avocations and pursuits that show their rank a bowshot off?†
Chpt 2.7-8variance = difference
- I strive to make peace between those whom I know to be at variance; I am the devoted servant of Our Lady, and my trust is ever in the infinite mercy of God our Lord.†
Chpt 2.15-16 *
The exact meaning of variance is subject to its context. For example:
- "There is a huge variance in how people respond to the medication." -- difference
- "50% of the variance is explained by genetics." -- amount of difference
- "Her speech was at variance with her actions." -- different than
- "Her speech was at variance from others." -- different from
- "Their main points of variance..." -- difference
- "There is little variance in quality." -- difference between similar things