All 6 Uses of
Don Quixote
- "If I only had it here, wretch that I am, what more should we want?" said Don Quixote; "but I swear to thee, Sancho Panza, on the faith of a knight-errant, ere two days are over, unless fortune orders otherwise, I mean to have it in my possession, or my hand will have lost its cunning."†
Chpt 1.15-16
- The cries of the poor blanketed wretch were so loud that they reached the ears of his master, who, halting to listen attentively, was persuaded that some new adventure was coming, until he clearly perceived that it was his squire who uttered them.†
Chpt 1.17-18
- for I saw thee take it up from the ground when that ungrateful wretch tried to break it in pieces but could not, by which the fineness of its temper may be seen.†
Chpt 1.25-26
- Traitor, cruel, vindictive, and perfidious, wherein had this poor wretch failed in his fidelity, who with such frankness showed thee the secrets and the joys of his heart?†
Chpt 1.27-28 *
- Where is this poor giant, or this poor wretch of a vanquished knight, to find her?†
Chpt 2.11-12
- Unlucky wretch that I am, what an end my follies and fancies have come to!†
Chpt 2.55-56
someone you feel sorry for
a person of bad character
a person of bad character