All 6 Uses of
Don Quixote
- But of all there were none he liked so well as those of the famous Feliciano de Silva's composition, for their lucidity of style and complicated conceits were as pearls in his sight, particularly when in his reading he came upon courtships and cartels, where he often found passages like "the reason of the unreason with which my reason is afflicted so weakens my reason that with reason I murmur at your beauty;" or again, "the high heavens, that of your divinity divinely fortify you with the stars, render you deserving of the desert your greatness deserves."†
Chpt 1.1-2
- "So urgent is it," answered Sancho, "that if they were for my own person I could not want them more;" and forthwith, fortified by this licence, he effected the mutatio capparum, rigging out his beast to the ninety-nines and making quite another thing of it.†
Chpt 1.21-22 *fortified = to make stronger
- As it was, El Uchali took refuge at Modon, which is an island near Navarino, and landing forces fortified the mouth of the harbour and waited quietly until Don John retired.†
Chpt 1.39-40
- The sonnets were not disliked, and the captive was rejoiced at the tidings they gave him of his comrade, and continuing his tale, he went on to say: The Goletta and the fort being thus in their hands, the Turks gave orders to dismantle the Goletta—for the fort was reduced to such a state that there was nothing left to level—and to do the work more quickly and easily they mined it in three places; but nowhere were they able to blow up the part which seemed to be the least strong, that is to say, the old walls, while all that remained standing of the new fortifications that the Fratin had made came to the ground with the greatest ease.†
Chpt 1.39-40
- All this I say, exalted and esteemed lady, because it seems to me that for us to remain any longer in this castle now is useless, and may be injurious to us in a way that we shall find out some day; for who knows but that your enemy the giant may have learned by means of secret and diligent spies that I am going to destroy him, and if the opportunity be given him he may seize it to fortify himself in some impregnable castle or stronghold, against which all my efforts and the might of my indefatigable arm may avail but little?†
Chpt 1.45-46
- But what I am of opinion the governor should cat now in order to preserve and fortify his health is a hundred or so of wafer cakes and a few thin slices of conserve of quinces, which will settle his stomach and help his digestion.†
Chpt 2.47-48
to make stronger
in various senses, including:
- to add defensive fortifications to a site to withstand attack -- as in "fortify the camp"
- to make a structure or organization stronger -- as in "fortify the wall"
- to inspire emotional and mental strength -- as in "fortify her spirits"
- to strengthen an argument -- as in "fortify our argument"
- to add nutrients to increase the healthfulness -- as in "bread fortified with folic acid and iron"
- to add alcohol to make a drink stronger and/or less prone to spoiling -- as in "port, sherry, madeira, and other fortified wines"