All 3 Uses of
Don Quixote
- — GLOSS Dame Fortune once upon a day To me was bountiful and kind; But all things change; she changed her mind, And what she gave she took away.†
Chpt 2.17-18 *
- So once more I say I stick to Camacho, the bountiful skimmings of whose pots are geese and hens, hares and rabbits; but of Basilio's, if any ever come to hand, or even to foot, they'll be only rinsings.†
Chpt 2.19-20
- The oaks will yield us their sweet fruit with bountiful hand, the trunks of the hard cork trees a seat, the willows shade, the roses perfume, the widespread meadows carpets tinted with a thousand dyes; the clear pure air will give us breath, the moon and stars lighten the darkness of the night for us, song shall be our delight, lamenting our joy, Apollo will supply us with verses, and love with conceits whereby we shall make ourselves famed for ever, not only in this but in ages to come.†
Chpt 2.67-68
given in abundance (a large amount); or an abundant (large) amount