Both Uses of
Don Quixote
- giving to each its proper attributes with marvellous readiness; brimful and saturated with what he had read in his lying books!†
Chpt 1.17-18 *
- Sancho entered, and the curate and the barber took their leave of Don Quixote, of whose recovery they despaired when they saw how wedded he was to his crazy ideas, and how saturated with the nonsense of his unlucky chivalry; and said the curate to the barber, "You will see, gossip, that when we are least thinking of it, our gentleman will be off once more for another flight."†
Chpt 2.1-2
to completely wet
to fill
to fill
in various senses, including:
- chemistry: saturate a solution -- to fill a solution with as much of something as it can hold
- business: saturate a market -- to fill a market with a good
- advertising: saturation advertising -- to advertise a great deal
- military: saturation bombing -- to bomb an area extensively
- color theory: color saturation -- color intensity
- biology: saturated fat -- filled with hydrogen atoms (most people eat more than is healthy)
- physics: magnetic saturation -- intensity of a magnetic charge