All 3 Uses of
Don Quixote
- now that I am far away, and out of danger, I say I should have done what I did not do: now that I have allowed my precious treasure to be robbed from me, I curse the robber, on whom I might have taken vengeance had I as much heart for it as I have for bewailing my fate; in short, as I was then a coward and a fool, little wonder is it if I am now dying shame-stricken, remorseful, and mad.†
Chpt 1.27-28 *remorseful = full of regret for doing something that was wrong
- As Camilla said this Lothario at first imagined it was some device to delude him into the idea that the man he had seen going out was Leonela's lover and not hers; but when he saw how she wept and suffered, and begged him to help her, he became convinced of the truth, and the conviction completed his confusion and remorse; however, he told Camilla not to distress herself, as he would take measures to put a stop to the insolence of Leonela.†
Chpt 1.33-34remorse = deep regret for doing something that was wrong
- Sancho regarded Don Quixote earnestly while he was giving him this rating, and was so touched by remorse that the tears came to his eyes, and in a piteous and broken voice he said to him, "Master mine, I confess that, to be a complete ass, all I want is a tail; if your worship will only fix one on to me, I'll look on it as rightly placed, and I'll serve you as an ass all the remaining days of my life.†
Chpt 2.27-28
a feeling of deep regret for doing something that was wrong
Synonym comparison (if you're into word choice):
Many consider the word remorse stronger than the word regret. Also, it is more personal. One might regret that their team lost the game, but feel remorse that they missed the bus and weren't there to help the team.
Many consider the word remorse stronger than the word regret. Also, it is more personal. One might regret that their team lost the game, but feel remorse that they missed the bus and weren't there to help the team.