All 5 Uses of
Don Quixote
- The fugitive goat, scared and frightened, ran towards the company as if seeking their protection and then stood still, and the goatherd coming up seized it by the horns and began to talk to it as if it were possessed of reason and understanding: "Ah wanderer, wanderer, Spotty, Spotty; how have you gone limping all this time?†
Chpt 1.49-50fugitive = someone hiding from law enforcement officers
- The keeper, seeing that the fugitives were now some distance off, once more entreated and warned him as before; but he replied that he heard him, and that he need not trouble himself with any further warnings or entreaties, as they would be fruitless, and bade him make haste.†
Chpt 2.17-18fugitives = people hiding from law enforcement officers
- Close the door as I bade thee, while I make signals to the fugitives that have left us, that they may learn this exploit from thy lips.†
Chpt 2.17-18 *
- Don Quixote, however, seeing such a swarm of Moors and hearing such a din, thought it would be right to aid the fugitives, and standing up he exclaimed in a loud voice, "Never, while I live, will I permit foul play to be practised in my presence on such a famous knight and fearless lover as Don Gaiferos.†
Chpt 2.25-26
- On one of them was painted by some very poor hand the Rape of Helen, when the bold guest carried her off from Menelaus, and on the other was the story of Dido and AEneas, she on a high tower, as though she were making signals with a half sheet to her fugitive guest who was out at sea flying in a frigate or brigantine.†
Chpt 2.71-72fugitive = someone hiding from law enforcement officers
someone who is running away or hiding to avoid arrest or an unpleasant situation