All 3 Uses of
Don Quixote
- "An old book that," said the curate, "but I find no reason for clemency in it; send it after the others without appeal;" which was done.†
Chpt 1.5-6
- He can set forth the craftiness of Ulysses, the piety of AEneas, the valour of Achilles, the misfortunes of Hector, the treachery of Sinon, the friendship of Euryalus, the generosity of Alexander, the boldness of Caesar, the clemency and truth of Trajan, the fidelity of Zopyrus, the wisdom of Cato, and in short all the faculties that serve to make an illustrious man perfect, now uniting them in one individual, again distributing them among many; and if this be done with charm of style and ingenious invention, aiming at the truth as much as possible, he will assuredly weave†
Chpt 1.47-48
- If our innocence and her tears and mine can with strict justice open the door to clemency, extend it to us, for we never had any intention of injuring you, nor do we sympathise with the aims of our people, who have been justly banished.†
Chpt 2.63-64 *
(clemency as in: the judge showed clemency) mercy
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) A less common meaning is mildness and usually references good weather in the form clement or bad weather in the form inclement.