All 4 Uses of
Don Quixote
- Samson offered him one, as he knew a friend of his who had it would not refuse it to him, though it was more dingy with rust and mildew than bright and clean like burnished steel.†
Chpt 2.7-8burnished = polished and made shiny; or improved something
- He said in reply that they spoke the truth in every respect except as to the dagger, for it was not a dagger, nor little, but a burnished poniard sharper than an awl.†
Chpt 2.23-24 *
- SeƱor Don Quixote, have you observed the comeliness of my lady the duchess, that smooth complexion of hers like a burnished polished sword, those two cheeks of milk and carmine, that gay lively step with which she treads or rather seems to spurn the earth, so that one would fancy she went radiating health wherever she passed?†
Chpt 2.47-48
- Scratch my face, as my master was served in this very castle; run me through the body with burnished daggers; pinch my arms with red-hot pincers; I'll bear all in patience to serve these gentlefolk; but I won't let duennas touch me, though the devil should carry me off!†
Chpt 2.69-70
polish and make shiny -- especially metal
or more generally: to improve something -- especially the impression that something makes
or more generally: to improve something -- especially the impression that something makes