All 3 Uses of
The Winter's Tale
- That thou betray'dst Polixenes, 'twas nothing; That did but show thee, of a fool, inconstant, And damnable ingrateful; nor was't much Thou wouldst have poison'd good Camillo's honour, To have him kill a king; poor trespasses,— More monstrous standing by: whereof I reckon The casting forth to crows thy baby daughter, To be or none or little, though a devil Would have shed water out of fire ere done't; Nor is't directly laid to thee, th†
Scene 3.2inconstant = changing or not reliablestandard prefix: The prefix "in-" in inconstant means not and reverses the meaning of constant. This is the same pattern you see in words like invisible, incomplete, and insecure.
- Thou dearest Perdita, With these forc'd thoughts, I pr'ythee, darken not The mirth o' the feast: or I'll be thine, my fair, Or not my father's; for I cannot be Mine own, nor anything to any, if I be not thine: to this I am most constant, Though destiny say no. Be merry, gentle; Strangle such thoughts as these with any thing That you behold the while.†
Scene 4.4 *
- The prince himself is about a piece of iniquity,—stealing away from his father with his clog at his heels: if I thought it were a piece of honesty to acquaint the king withal, I would not do't: I hold it the more knavery to conceal it; and therein am I constant to my profession.†
Scene 4.4
unchanging, continuous, or happening repeatedly