All 5 Uses of
The Winter's Tale
- Commend my best obedience to the queen;
Scene 2.2 *commend = express a favorable opinion of
- Let him that makes but trifles of his eyes First hand me: on mine own accord I'll off; But first I'll do my errand—The good queen, For she is good, hath brought you forth a daughter; Here 'tis; commends it to your blessing.†
Scene 2.3
- As by strange fortune It came to us, I do in justice charge thee, On thy soul's peril and thy body's torture, That thou commend it strangely to some place Where chance may nurse or end it.†
Scene 2.3
- — I'll reconcile me to Polixenes; New woo my queen; recall the good Camillo— Whom I proclaim a man of truth, of mercy; For, being transported by my jealousies To bloody thoughts and to revenge, I chose Camillo for the minister to poison My friend Polixenes: which had been done, But that the good mind of Camillo tardied My swift command, though I with death and with Reward did threaten and encourage him, Not doing it and being done: he, most humane, And fill'd with honour, to my kingly guest Unclasp'd my practice; quit his fortunes here, Which you knew great; and to the certain hazard Of all incertainties himself commended, No richer than his honour:—how he glisters Thorough my rust!†
Scene 3.2
- And he, and more Than he, and men,—the earth, the heavens, and all:— That,—were I crown'd the most imperial monarch, Thereof most worthy; were I the fairest youth That ever made eye swerve; had force and knowledge More than was ever man's,—I would not prize them Without her love: for her employ them all; Commend them, and condemn them to her service, Or to their own perdition.†
Scene 4.4
(commend as in: I commend her work) praise or recommend
(commend as in: I commend her to your care) to entrust to another for future care