All 3 Uses of
The Winter's Tale
- —Dost thou hear, Camillo, I conjure thee, by all the parts of man Which honour does acknowledge,—whereof the least Is not this suit of mine,—that thou declare What incidency thou dost guess of harm Is creeping toward me; how far off, how near; Which way to be prevented, if to be; If not, how best to bear it.†
Scene 1.2acknowledge = recognize
- More than mistress of Which comes to me in name of fault, I must not At all acknowledge.†
Scene 3.2 *
- Mark your divorce, young sir, Whom son I dare not call; thou art too base To be acknowledged: thou a sceptre's heir, That thus affects a sheep-hook!†
Scene 4.4acknowledged = recognized
(acknowledge as in: acknowledge her or the truth) express recognition or appreciation of someone or something; or admit something
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Specialized senses include sending an "acknowledgement" (letter or other message) to indicate that something was received and the "acknowledgements" section at the beginning of a book where an author recognizes and thanks other people who helped in creating the book or ideas contained in it.