Both Uses of
The Winter's Tale
- Let him that makes but trifles of his eyes First hand me: on mine own accord I'll off; But first I'll do my errand—The good queen, For she is good, hath brought you forth a daughter; Here 'tis; commends it to your blessing.†
Scene 2.3 *own accord = own mind -- voluntarily (without anyone asking)
- To me comes a creature, Sometimes her head on one side, some another: I never saw a vessel of like sorrow, So fill'd and so becoming: in pure white robes, Like very sanctity, she did approach My cabin where I lay: thrice bow'd before me; And, gasping to begin some speech, her eyes Became two spouts: the fury spent, anon Did this break from her: 'Good Antigonus, Since fate, against thy better disposition, Hath made thy person for the thrower-out Of my poor babe, according to thine oath,— Places remote enough are in Bohemia, There weep, and leave it crying; and, for the babe Is counted lost for ever, Perdita I pr'ythee call't.†
Scene 3.3 *according to = as stated by; or in agreement with
(accord as in: according to, or in accord with) in keeping with; or in agreement/harmony/unity withThis meaning of accord is often seen in the form according to or accordingly where it can take on more specific meanings. For example:
- "According to Kim, ..." -- as stated by
- "To each according to her ability." -- based upon
- "Points are scored according to how well they perform." -- depending upon
- "The dose is calculated according to body weight." -- in proportion to
- "We got a flat tire. Accordingly, I pulled to the side of the road." -- because of what was just said; or as a result
(accord as in: reached an accord) an agreementIn this sense, accord can refer to a formal agreement (such as one written between two countries) or an informal agreement (such as an unvoiced consensus about what should be done).
(accord as in: done of her own accord) mindThis sense of accord is typically seen in the form own accord or one accord.
(accord as in: accord her the respect deserved) to give someone special treatment -- especially respect
- (5) (meaning too rare to warrant focus)