All 3 Uses of
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
- For me, by this pale queen of night I swear, I am so far from granting thy request That I despise thee for thy wrongful suit, And by and by intend to chide myself Even for this time I spend in talking to thee.†
Scene 4.2 *despise = dislike strongly and look down upon
- why do I pity him That with his very heart despiseth me?†
Scene 4.4despiseth = dislikes strongly and looks down uponstandard suffix: Today, the suffix "-th" is replaced by "-s", so that where they said "She despiseth" in older English, today we say "She despises."
- Because he loves her, he despiseth me; Because I love him, I must pity him.†
Scene 4.4
to dislike strongly and to look down upon with disrespect