All 4 Uses of
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
- Were't not affection chains thy tender days To the sweet glances of thy honour'd love, I rather would entreat thy company To see the wonders of the world abroad, Than, living dully sluggardiz'd at home, Wear out thy youth with shapeless idleness.†
Scene 1.1entreat = ask earnestly
- Where your good word cannot advantage him, Your slander never can endamage him; Therefore the office is indifferent, Being entreated to it by your friend.†
Scene 3.2entreated = asked earnestly
- This is the hour that Madam Silvia entreated me to call and know her mind:
Scene 4.3 *entreated = asked
- If you be she, I do entreat your patience To hear me speak the message I am sent on.†
Scene 4.4entreat = ask earnestly
to ask -- especially while trying hard to overcome resistance