All 3 Uses of
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
- Ay, and we are betroth'd; nay more, our marriage-hour, With all the cunning manner of our flight, Determin'd of: how I must climb her window, The ladder made of cords, and all the means Plotted and 'greed on for my happiness.†
Scene 2.4cunning = good at achieving goals through cleverness and deception
- But, good my lord, do it so cunningly That my discovery be not aimed at; For love of you, not hate unto my friend, Hath made me publisher of this pretence.†
Scene 3.1 *cunningly = in a manner that is clever and typically that includes tricking others
- Sir Thurio, fear not you; I will so plead That you shall say my cunning drift excels.†
Scene 4.2cunning = good at achieving goals through cleverness and deception
(cunning as in: a cunning thief) being good at achieving goals through cleverness -- and typically through deception as well (tricking others)
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) At one time, cunning was also used as a synonym for cute.