Both Uses of
The Tempest
- [Aside] Bravely the figure of this harpy hast thou Perform'd, my Ariel; a grace it had, devouring; Of my instruction hast thou nothing bated In what thou hadst to say: so, with good life And observation strange, my meaner ministers Their several kinds have done†
Scene 3.3 *
- I perceive, these lords At this encounter do so much admire That they devour their reason, and scarce think Their eyes do offices of truth, their words Are natural breath; but, howsoe'er you have Been justled from your senses, know for certain That I am Prospero, and that very duke Which was thrust forth of Milan; who most strangely Upon this shore, where you were wrack'd, was landed To be the lord on't.†
Scene 5.1
(devour as in: devoured three sandwiches) eat rapidly and completely -- usually due to being very hungry
(devour as in: devours crime novels) to read, listen, or watch with eager interest
(devour as in: devoured by flames) to completely consume, destroy, or engulf (surround or cover)