All 4 Uses of
The Tempest
- He being thus lorded, Not only with what my revenue yielded, But what my power might else exact,—like one Who having, into truth, by telling of it, Made such a sinner of his memory, To credit his own lie,—he did believe He was indeed the Duke; out o' the substitution, And executing th' outward face of royalty, With all prerogative.†
Scene 1.2
- Come on; We'll visit Caliban my slave, who never Yields us kind answer.†
Scene 1.2
- Prithee, say on: The setting of thine eye and cheek proclaim A matter from thee, and a birth, indeed Which throes thee much to yield.†
Scene 2.1 *
- Yea, yea, my lord: I'll yield him thee asleep, Where thou may'st knock a nail into his head.†
Scene 3.2
(yield as in: will yield valuable data) to produce (usually something wanted); or the thing or amount produced
(yield as in: yield to pressure) to give in, give way, or give up
- (3) (meaning too rare to warrant focus)