Both Uses of
The Tempest
- But, remember— For that's my business to you,—that you three From Milan did supplant good Prospero; Expos'd unto the sea, which hath requit it, Him, and his innocent child: for which foul deed The powers, delaying, not forgetting, have Incens'd the seas and shores, yea, all the creatures, Against your peace.†
Scene 3.3deed = a notable achievement
- My true preserver, and a loyal sir To him thou follow'st, I will pay thy graces Home, both in word and deed.†
Scene 5.1 *
(deed as in: signed the deed) a legal document indicating ownership of propertyThis is often in reference to a trust deed which transfers legal title of property to a trustee. Frequently, the trustee is a bank and title is entrusted to the bank until a loan is paid off.
(deed as in: did a good deed) a notable achievement