All 19 Uses of
The Taming of the Shrew
- Sister, content you in my discontent.†
Scene 1.1discontent = dissatisfactionstandard prefix: The prefix "dis-" in discontent means not or opposite. It reverses the meaning of content as seen in words like disagree, disconnect, and disappear.
- I pray you, husband, be not so disquiet; The meat was well, if you were so contented.†
Scene 4.1contented = satisfied
- Signior Hortensio, I have often heard Of your entire affection to Bianca; And since mine eyes are witness of her lightness, I will with you, if you be so contented, Forswear Bianca and her love for ever.†
Scene 4.2 *
- I may, and will, if she be so contented.†
Scene 4.4
- Gramercies, lad; go forward; this contents; The rest will comfort, for thy counsel's sound.†
Scene 1.1
- Or is the adder better than the eel Because his painted skin contents the eye?†
Scene 4.3
Uses with a meaning too common or too rare to warrant foucs:
- Sister, content you in my discontent.†
Scene 1.1
- Gentlemen, content ye; I am resolv'd.†
Scene 1.1
- Basta; content thee, for I have it full.†
Scene 1.1
- In brief, sir, sith it your pleasure is, And I am tied to be obedient; For so your father charg'd me at our parting, 'Be serviceable to my son,' quoth he, Although I think 'twas in another sense: I am content to be Lucentio, Because so well I love Lucentio.†
Scene 1.1
- Content you, gentlemen; I'll compound this strife: 'Tis deeds must win the prize, and he of both That can assure my daughter greatest dower Shall have my Bianca's love.†
Scene 2.1 *
- I am content.†
Scene 3.2
- Are you content to stay?†
Scene 3.2
- I am content you shall entreat me stay; But yet not stay, entreat me how you can.†
Scene 3.2
- content thee: prithee be not angry.†
Scene 3.2
- Sir, by your leave: having come to Padua To gather in some debts, my son Lucentio Made me acquainted with a weighty cause Of love between your daughter and himself: And,—for the good report I hear of you, And for the love he beareth to your daughter, And she to him,—to stay him not too long, I am content, in a good father's care, To have him match'd; and, if you please to like No worse than I, upon some agreement Me shall you find ready and willing With one consent to have her so bestow'd; For curious I cannot be with you, Signior Baptista, of whom I hear so well.†
Scene 4.4
- Fear not, Baptista; we will content you, go to: but I will in, to be revenged for this villainy.†
Scene 5.1
- Content.†
Scene 5.2
- Content.†
Scene 5.2
(content as in: content with how things are) satisfied
(meaning too common or rare to warrant focus) The word forms content and contents are also commonly used to refer to what is inside something else.