All 5 Uses of
Othello, the Moor of Venice
- They give their greeting to the citadel: This likewise is a friend.†
Scene 2.1 *
- —I pry'thee, good Iago, Go to the bay and disembark my coffers: Bring thou the master to the citadel; He is a good one, and his worthiness Does challenge much respect.†
Scene 2.1
- Meet me by and by at the citadel: I must fetch his necessaries ashore.†
Scene 2.1
- I shall not dine at home; I meet the captains at the citadel.†
Scene 3.3
- — Emilia, run you to the citadel, And tell my lord and lady what hath happ'd.†
Scene 5.1
a stronghold or fortress