All 3 Uses of
The Merchant of Venice
- If I could bid the fifth welcome with so good heart as I can bid the other four farewell, I should be glad of his approach;
Scene 1.2 *approach = coming near
- Approach; Here dwells my father Jew.
Scene 2.6approach = come near
- Madam, there is alighted at your gate
A young Venetian, one that comes before
To signify th' approaching of his lord;
From whom he bringeth sensible regreets;
To wit,—besides commends and courteous breath,
Gifts of rich value.Scene 2.9approaching = coming
(approach as in: approached the city) to get closer to (near in space, time, quantity, or quality)
(approach as in: use the best approach) a way of doing something; or a route that leads to a particular place
(approach as in: approached her with the proposal) to begin communication with someone about something -- often a proposal or a delicate topic
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) More rarely (and typically only in classic literature), the phrase nearest approach to as used in "her nearest approach to an apology" or "her nearest approach to a smile" typically means that "something is as close to something else as it ever gets." "As near an approach to" can have a similar meaning.