All 3 Uses of
- But 'tis strange:
And oftentimes to win us to our harm,
The instruments of darkness tell us truths;
Win us with honest trifles, to betray's
In deepest consequence.†p. 23.5 *trifles = things of small importance
- But I have spoke
With one that saw him die: who did report,
That very frankly he confessed his treasons;
Implored your highness' pardon; and set forth
A deep repentance: nothing in his life
Became him like the leaving it; he died
As one that had been studied in his death,
To throw away the dearest thing he owed
As 'twere a careless trifle.†p. 27.2
- Threescore and ten I can remember well,
Within the volume of which time I have seen
Hours dreadful and things strange; but this sore night
Hath trifled former knowings.†p. 73.5 *
(trifle as in: a trifling matter) something of small importance; or a small quantity
(trifle with as in: trifle with her affections) to treat somebody or something thoughtlessly or without respect
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Less commonly, a trifle can refer to a kind of dessert. In classic literature, trifling can be a synonym for small talk.