All 3 Uses of
Henry VIII
- He privily Deals with our Cardinal; and, as I trow,— Which I do well, for I am sure the Emperor Paid ere he promis'd; whereby his suit was granted Ere it was ask'd—but when the way was made, And pav'd with gold, the Emperor thus desir'd, That he would please to alter the King's course, And break the foresaid peace.†
Scene 1.1 *
- Sir Thomas Lovell, is the banquet ready I' the privy chamber?†
Scene 1.4
- The King has made him master O' the jewel house, And one, already, of the privy council.†
Scene 4.1
(privy as in: privy to her real identity) informed about something secret or not generally known
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) More rarely, privy can refer to a hidden place, outhouse, or toilet.