All 4 Uses of
A Tale of Two Cities
- He, and his old canvas frock, and his loose stockings, and all his poor tatters of clothes, had, in a long seclusion from direct light and air, faded down to such a dull uniformity of parchment-yellow, that it would have been hard to say which was which.†
Chpt 1.6 *uniformity = consistency (being the same in some way)
- He besought her—though he added that he knew it was needless—to console her father, by impressing him through every tender means she could think of, with the truth that he had done nothing for which he could justly reproach himself, but had uniformly forgotten himself for their joint sakes.†
Chpt 3.13uniformly = in a manner that is consistent (the same in some way)
Uses with a meaning too common or too rare to warrant foucs:
- They were consigned to me, with him, at the—" He dropped his voice, there was a flutter among the military lanterns, and one of them being handed into the coach by an arm in uniform, the eyes connected with the arm looked, not an every day or an every night look, at monsieur with the white head.†
Chpt 1.6uniform = clothing of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification
- Forward!" from the uniform.†
Chpt 1.6 *
(uniform as in: uniform consistency) consistent (the same in some way)
(meaning too common or rare to warrant focus) more commonly, uniform refers to clothing of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification. For example, an army uniform.