All 6 Uses of
A Tale of Two Cities
- "Never you mind what it is!" the guard retorted.†
Chpt 1.2 *retorted = quickly replied
- "It's enough for you," retorted Mr. Cruncher, "to be the wife of a honest tradesman, and not to occupy your female mind with calculations when he took to his trade or when he didn't.†
Chpt 2.14
- "As you say," madame retorted, correcting him, and deftly knitting an extra something into his name that boded him no good.†
Chpt 2.16
- "It will be much the same to your knowledge, miss, I should think," retorted Jerry, "whether they drink your health or the Old Un's."†
Chpt 3.7
- "Never you trouble your head about this man," retorted the contentious Mr. Cruncher; "you'll have trouble enough with giving your attention to that gentleman.†
Chpt 3.8
- Madame sternly retorted, "I tell you a good deal like."†
Chpt 3.12
a quick reply to a question or remark -- especially a witty or critical one