All 21 Uses of
Ulysses, by James Joyce
- Solemnly he came forward and mounted the round gunrest.†
Chpt 1 *solemnly = with seriousness and dignity
- Buck Mulligan erect, with joined hands before him, said solemnly: —He who stealeth from the poor lendeth to the Lord.†
Chpt 1
- —I will tell you, he said solemnly, what is his proudest boast.†
Chpt 2
- —Because she never let them in, Mr Deasy said solemnly.†
Chpt 2
- It passed statelily up the staircase, steered by an umbrella, a solemn beardframed face.†
Chpt 7solemn = very serious--possibly dignified
- Solemn.†
Chpt 8
- He hummed, prolonging in solemn echo the closes of the bars: Don Giovanni, a cenar teco M'invitasti.†
Chpt 8
- Solemn as Troy.†
Chpt 8
- He came a step a sinkapace forward on neatsleather creaking and a step backward a sinkapace on the solemn floor.†
Chpt 9
- —I have conceived a play for the mummers, he said solemnly.†
Chpt 9solemnly = with seriousness and dignity
- The voice of warning, solemn warning, told them the youth had entered a lonely hall, told them how solemn fell his footsteps there, told them the gloomy chamber, the vested priest sitting to shrive.†
Chpt 11solemn = very serious--possibly dignified
- The voice of warning, solemn warning, told them the youth had entered a lonely hall, told them how solemn fell his footsteps there, told them the gloomy chamber, the vested priest sitting to shrive.†
Chpt 11
- And to the solemn court of Green street there came sir Frederick the Falconer.†
Chpt 12
- O'Nolan, clad in shining armour, low bending made obeisance to the puissant and high and mighty chief of all Erin and did him to wit of that which had befallen, how that the grave elders of the most obedient city, second of the realm, had met them in the tholsel, and there, after due prayers to the gods who dwell in ether supernal, had taken solemn counsel whereby they might, if so be it might be, bring once more into honour among mortal men the winged speech of the seadivided Gael.†
Chpt 12
- It represents a partially nude señorita, frail and lovely (his wife, as he solemnly assured me, taken by him from nature), practising illicit intercourse with a muscular torero, evidently a blackguard.†
Chpt 15solemnly = with seriousness and dignity
- BLOOM: (Uncloaks impressively, revealing obesity, unrolls a paper and reads solemnly) Aleph Beth Ghimel Daleth Hagadah Tephilim Kosher Yom Kippur Hanukah Roschaschana Beni Brith Bar Mitzvah Mazzoth Askenazim Meshuggah Talith.†
Chpt 15
- BLOOM: (Solemnly) You call it a festivity.†
Chpt 15
- BLOOM: (Solemnly) Thanks.†
Chpt 15
- EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (Slowly, solemnly but indistinctly) Peace, perfect peace.†
Chpt 15
- EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (Dances slowly, solemnly, rattling his bucket, and sings with soft contentment) On coronation day, on coronation day, O, won't we have a merry time, Drinking whisky, beer and wine!†
Chpt 15
- —I wouldn't ask you only, pursued he, on my solemn oath and God knows I'm on the rocks.†
Chpt 16solemn = very serious--possibly dignified
in a very serious (and often dignified) manner