All 5 Uses of
Ulysses, by James Joyce
- The gates of the drive opened wide to give egress to the viceregal cavalcade.†
Chpt 10 *egress = exit (departure from)
- What did each do at the door of egress?†
Chpt 17
- For what creature was the door of egress a door of ingress?†
Chpt 17
- How did the centripetal remainer afford egress to the centrifugal departer?†
Chpt 17
- By inserting the barrel of an arruginated male key in the hole of an unstable female lock, obtaining a purchase on the bow of the key and turning its wards from right to left, withdrawing a bolt from its staple, pulling inward spasmodically an obsolescent unhinged door and revealing an aperture for free egress and free ingress.†
Chpt 17
to exit