All 4 Uses of
Ulysses, by James Joyce
- Twenty years he dallied there between conjugial love and its chaste delights and scortatory love and its foul pleasures.†
Chpt 9 *chaste = not having sexual intercourse (ever, outside of marriage, or for a long time); or not involving sexual desire
- The chaste spouse of Leopold is she: Marion of the bountiful bosoms.†
Chpt 12
- Yes, Pious had told him of that land and Chaste had pointed him to the way but the reason was that in the way he fell in with a certain whore of an eyepleasing exterior whose name, she said, is Bird-in-the-Hand and she beguiled him wrongways from the true path by her flatteries that she said to him as, Ho, you pretty man, turn aside hither and I will show you a brave place, and she lay at him so flatteringly that she had him in her grot which is named Two-in-the-Bush or, by some learned, Carnal Concupiscence.†
Chpt 14
- Not but what he could feel with mettlesome youth which, caring nought for the mows of dotards or the gruntlings of the severe, is ever (as the chaste fancy of the Holy Writer expresses it) for eating of the tree forbid it yet not so far forth as to pretermit humanity upon any condition soever towards a gentlewoman when she was about her lawful occasions.†
Chpt 14
(chaste as in: remained chaste) not having sex; or not involving sexual desireThe exact meaning of not having sex depends upon context. It can mean
- to be a virgin (never have sex)
- to be sexually inactive currently or for a long time
- to not have sex outside of marriage
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Much less commonly, chaste can refer to an unornamented simple style.