All 3 Uses of
Ulysses, by James Joyce
- —Saint Thomas, Stephen smiling said, whose gorbellied works I enjoy reading in the original, writing of incest from a standpoint different from that of the new Viennese school Mr Magee spoke of, likens it in his wise and curious way to an avarice of the emotions.†
Chpt 9avarice = excessive desire for wealth
- Jews, whom christians tax with avarice, are of all races the most given to intermarriage.†
Chpt 9 *
- Because at the critical turningpoint of human existence he desired to amend many social conditions, the product of inequality and avarice and international animosity.†
Chpt 17
excessive desire for wealth
Like "greed", but implies greed specifically for money. The early Christian Church counted avarice as one of the "seven deadly sins."