All 6 Uses of
To Kill a Mockingbird
- I returned to school and hated Calpurnia steadily until a sudden shriek shattered my resentments.†
p. 28.8resentments = things about which one feels angry or unhappy due to having to accept them
- I wasn't sure what Jem resented most, but I took umbrage at Mrs. Dubose's assessment of the family's mental hygiene.†
p. 117.6 *resented = felt angry or unhappy about having to accept something not liked
- Jem's chin would come up, and he would gaze at Mrs. Dubose with a face devoid of resentment.†
p. 126.4resentment = a feeling of anger or unhappiness at having to accept something not liked
- Normally, they were the court's only spectators, and today they seemed resentful of the interruption of their comfortable routine.†
p. 185.8resentful = full of anger or unhappiness at having to accept something not liked
- Mayella jerked her head resentfully at the bench.†
p. 206.7resentfully = with a feeling of anger or unhappiness at having to accept something not liked
- The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box.†
p. 252.2resentments = things about which one feels angry or unhappy due to having to accept them
to feel anger or unhappiness about something seen as unjust or something that creates jealousy